, online

Smart Systems Integration 2021

The Smart Systems Integration Conference and Exhibition re-starts after a one-year break with a new online concept.

microTEC Südwest and Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg are partners of the event.

Co-organiser of this event is EPoSS Association. You are invited you to present your recent developments in the field of Smart Systems along the whole value chain, starting from MEMS/NEMS, photonics, micromechanics, microfuidics, printed functionalities through to complete systems and different application scenarios.

Digitalization is not only increasingly entering our lives - it changes the game. Advances in individual components and subsystems are necessary but not enough. In our connected digital world it is the integration of software, connectivity, components and subsystems into smart modules and Smart Systems that is the key. To be successful, interdisciplinary approaches are required.

Starting with the conference 2021 in Grenoble, the topics are arranged into five tracks covering technology readiness levels from 1 to 9. Key enablers and key technologies are addressed, as well as Smart Systems solutions for mobility, energy, industry, agri-food, biomedical applications and healthy living. The former EPoSS sessions are included in the track on strategy and business creation.

The conference will provide, in an engaging and compact format, a unique and valuable opportunity to interact with the stakeholders of the Smart Systems value chain by means of technical sessions, strategy panels and exhibition booths. RTOs, SMEs and industry will share their latest approaches and the results. As in the previous years, the conference is driven by the EPoSS community.

The conference industry chair is the EPoSS Chairman, Dr. Stefan Finkbeiner, CEO of Bosch Sensortec.
The local community is supported by the local co-chair Dr. Emmanuel Sabonnadiere, CEO of CEA-LETI.

On behalf of the whole committee – we are looking forward to receiving your application or scientifc oriented submission.

Abstract submission as "Presentation only" is still open (until about mid-February). Publication of peer-reviewed articles on IEEE Explorer is omitted for these presentations. For more information, please see the Call for Papers attached below.


  • Submission of Abstracts October 31, 2020
  • Selection by Committee December 11, 2020
  • Submission of Full Paper January 22, 2021
  • Peer Review February 20, 2021
  • Submission of Revised Paper March 13, 2021

Prize for excellent scientific thesis in the field of Smart Systems Integration: Thomas Gessner Award

The Thomas Gessner Award is a contribution of Fraunhofer ENAS to promote applied research by awarding a prize for excellent scientific work at the annual Smart Systems Integration Conference. The award is aimed at national and international master and PhD students in the field of Smart Systems Integration, whose thesis is at least assessed as “very good” and does not date back more than two years. The evaluation process considers in particular:

  • The novelty of the scientific and methodical approach,
  • Advance of knowledge,
  • Implementation of the scientific results into the application and proof of economic success,
  • Internationality.

Interested scientists are invited to submit their documents in digital form until March 1st, 2021 to: ThomasGessnerAward@enas.fraunhofer.de
