Commitment and Experience for AFBW

"The networking of companies from various industries among themselves and with research is important for an innovative industry. That's why I significantly drove forward the founding of AFBW. I have been accompanying and supporting AFBW since its inception in 2009, and I am deeply convinced of the idea and the advantages that this network offers for various industrial sectors."

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Planck, CEO of PolyMedics Innovations GmbH

AFBW - Board of directors

Christoph Larsén-Mattes

CEO of Mattes & Ammann GmbH & Co. KG

Chairman of the AFBW-board

Marc W. Lorch

CEO of König + Neurath AG

Deputy Chairman of the AFBW-board

Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels

CEO of Hohenheim Institute

Treasurer of ABW

Oliver Barta

CEO of UBW and Südwestmetall

Edina Brenner

CEO of Südwesttextil e.V.

Prof. Dr. Götz T. Gresser

Board member of DITF Denkendorf

Ivo Herzog

Chief Sustainability & Innovation Officer (CSIO) of Amann & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG

Dr. Bernhard Hettich


Dr. Dietmar Völkle

Vice President
Research Diehl Aviation Laupheim GmbH